Burned Out? There's a Book For That.

By Amy Berrafato, LMFT, CST


Attention book nerds! Add this one to your reading list this winter: 


Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA.

Thought you knew all you need to know about stress and how to manage it well? Think again! This gem dives into the science behind the physiological and psychological impact of chronic stress on our bodies, minds, and hearts. The brilliant and hilarious authors offer insights into quite relatable stories to illustrate womens’ experience navigating stress in today’s world. I found it incredibly validating, and while it is geared toward women, I think everyone can benefit from this read.

Your stress sits in your body somewhere until you do something intentional to get rid of it. “Completing the cycle” means more than just moving away from the stressor that caused the stress; it’s actually releasing the emotion from your body in a concrete way. Need some ideas? The authors list 7 things you can do to complete the cycle of stress:

  1. Physical activity: exercise, walks, sex, dancing in your living room

  2. Breathing: deep, slow breaths in and out

  3. Positive social interaction: call, text, talk to a loved one

  4. Laughter: those uncontrollable belly laughs

  5. Affection: a hug, kiss, cuddle

  6. A big cry: let those tears come

  7. Creative expression: writing, drawing, singing (yep, in the shower counts!)

Try one of these the next time you feel stressed. They might only take a minute or two, and they will Change. Your. Life. 

Prefer a podcast? Check out Emily and Amelia’s conversation with Brene Brown on Unlocking Us:


Amy Freier