Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Psychoeducational Group

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) affects between 5-8% of those who menstruate; yet those who experience it often feel so alone. After all, PMDD is so much more than your average PMS symptoms. PMDD is a depressive disorder that sees a large shift in mood and behavior during the time in your cycle between ovulation and menstruation. It may be affecting your daily functioning, your relationships, your work, and so much more. Since it’s a fairly newly categorized depressive disorder, it can often be tricky to get an accurate diagnosis or the treatment options you need. 

Spark Chicago Therapy’s PMS & PMDD Support Group is here to offer you a community of peers who can relate to what you’re going through. It will also offer PMS and PMDD education and research-backed strategies to help with those tough-to-manage mood and behavior shifts. By the end of our 4-week group, members will be able to:

  • be skilled in identifying and communicating the onset of PMDD

  • be skilled in managing mood and behavioral changes through research-backed techniques

  • be a part of a network of support

  • be equipped with knowledge and resources they can refer back to

  • learn to educate their loved ones on PMDD and how to communicate needs for support

  • feel significant improvement in social and occupational functioning

Group is open to menstruating folks of all ages with diagnosed or suspected PMDD or PMS. Here are the details:

  • Zoom meetings will take place weekly for 4 sessions starting 11/2/23, from 6-7:30pm

  • Dates: 11/2/23, 11/9/23, 11/16/23, 11/30/23

  • Cost is $50 per session, or a discounted $175 for all 4!

  • Group sessions will be led by our Clinical Associate, Lily Sahaguian, LPC. Register for this group and get more information by contacting!